Our Philosophy
We believe that the best hearts and minds of the country need to chose politics as path to public service.

Our Commitment
We believe in upholding the spirit of the values of equality, fraternity, liberty and justice which are enshrined in the Indian constitution. Our goal is to work towards sarvodaya which means upliftment of all.
Indian School of Democracy is, and will remain, a non-partisan institution that envisions its alumni influencing cultures of organizations across the political spectrum and public spaces in India.
We want to positively change the way democracy is experienced by each citizen.

Our Audacious Goal
Research shows that it takes a critical mass of 3.5% people to behave differently, for the entire system to change.
Our audacious goal is that by 2047 (100 years of Indian independence), 25% of political leaders will be principled.

21st century Sabarmati Ashram
“I do not want my house to be walled in on all sides and my windows to be stuffed. I want the culture of all lands to be blown about my house as freely as possible. But I refuse to be blown off my feet by any.”
― Mahatma Gandhi
During the independence movement, Sabarmati Ashram became a place that embraced multiple ideas and where people from different walks of life came together. It became the place which gave birth to movements that unified Indians. It was the first time in the history of India that people from across the length and breadth of the country were unified for a common cause. Sabarmati Ashram was a welcoming space for both a peasant and zamindar, for a factory worker and factory owner, for a freedom fighter and British officer. That space was rooted in the values of harmony between head, heart and hand that enabled people to lead a principled life. It inspired and anchored a generation of leaders to build India in the 20th century!
We envision Indian School of Democracy to be the 21st century Sabarmati Ashram even though the program will happen in various locations. We say this because we want Indian School of Democracy to become a platform that prepares a new generation of leaders - leaders who have the moral courage and imagination to make India and every Indian achieve their highest potential. Much like Sabarmati Ashram, we imagine ISD being inclusive and holding different political perspectives, but having a common vision of Sarvodaya (upliftment of all). Leaders of ISD will have a still mind, compassionate heart, fearless hands and will surrender themselves to nation building.